Thursday, September 1, 2016

No One Gets What They Deserve

It may help us sleep better at night to believe that Karma will come back and bite the person that wronged us, however no one gets what they deserve.
If you do not believe me let me give you a few examples.

Tell that to the mother who lost her 13-year-old son to cancer. The moments that she watched him struggle, the pain he went through and the heartbreak it caused her. Tell her that people get what they deserve. As she watched her son celebrate life, give back to people and spread joy all while dying, tell her that everyone gets what they deserve. Ask her to remember the last time she actually saw her child and could hold his hand and he could hear her voice, tell her that everyone gets what they deserve.

Tell that to the family of the wife, mother, daughter, grandmother and friend that battled cancer for 11 years and never complained. When it came back for the last time and took her life, tell her that everyone just gets what they deserve. Tell her family, friends, husband, children and grandchildren that she just got what she deserves.

Take a look at me. I am stubborn, angry and selfish at times and yet I have so much. I have an amazing future in front of me, an amazing family and friends and so much more. I have given so little and yet I have been given so much. I have the ability to walk, run, swim, talk and move on my own, what did I do to deserve this?

No one gets what they deserve, life is not fair and just because someone screwed you over does not mean the world will come crashing down on them and just because you did a good deed does not mean you deserve anything, this is not how life works.
When we focus on us being the judges of what people deserve, we hold ourselves back from being the best version of ourselves. We cannot judge people and wish ill on people and still say we are at the top of our game. The reason is that every time we allow this for to happen, it is like a tiny weight being tied to us. It may feel like nothing at first but as we add more and more, it will hold us back from going further.

Tips to let go:

  • Stop caring: Stop worrying about what everyone else is getting. We are not put on this earth to judge people, we are here to make the most out of our lives.
  • Give your best because you want to: To give your best only because it will get you the best is a disaster waiting to happen. At the first sign of being less than great, you will give up, be great because you want to be.
  • Realize the world owes you nothing: The world owes us nothing, no one owes us anything. Theo only person who owes us something is ourselves. We owe it to ourselves to be the biggest kick ass version that we can be.
  • Stop playing the victim: In 90% of our life, we are not the victim, we choose to be. 

When most people hear that life is unfair they think of the negatives connotations behind it but the truth is that when life is not fair, it can be great. Everyone screws up stop letting it hold you back. The world is not fair, sometimes you are dealt crappy hand, deal with it, it is not a personal attack on you, you did not do anything to deserve it. Take it head on and create your own future. Your future is unstoppable.

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