Thursday, September 15, 2016

You Are Worthy

I sit here trying to think of something to write and all I can think about is that I no longer have anything left. That I can no longer be of service to anyone. The feeling really sucks. It does not make me want to do anything and it feeds into itself. It is a never ending cycle of not believing I have nothing to offer until I take action.

What you are reading right now is the exercise I am taking myself through. Writing down that I have nothing to offer, really made me think and realize that I do have something to offer, I just needed to do take action which is the hard part, it is hard to create something that will improve someone’s life when you do not believe you can.

Fear is used a lot to describe why people will not do something, live beyond their limits and take chances. I used to think that people were very fearful, however now I do not think that is the real reason. Fear may be an output but the input is the fact that so many people believe they are not worthy of living a great life.

What is it the really drives fear? It is the belief that you are not good enough to accomplish what you want or the belief that you will fail because you are not good enough. If we believed that we were good enough and that it was okay to fail imagine how much we would get done.

Here are some ideas that have helped me get through my struggle in believing that I am not worthy.

1) Realize that everyone deals with this shit. Everyone at one time or another has believed they are not worthy. You are not a mistake, a screw up or broken. You are an incredibly amazing human being.

2) The struggle is part of the journey; it is not a road block or the voice telling you to stop.

3) Take one step: At times we get stuck in the belief that we are not good enough and that makes it hard for us to do anything. The key is to get moving and to stop worrying about creating something great, that will come but you have to get started.

4) Do it daily, it will keep you going. I have taken breaks that were supposed to last a day and instead lasted a year.

5) Forgive yourself, we all screw up. It happens, just keep going.

6) Aim for greatness not perfection: Perfection is not a good thing; it is a horrible thing. When you become perfect at something you are no longer growing.

7) Write what you are feeling down, and examine it to make sure it is actually true. It helps to write down what you are thinking because it makes you actually see it on paper.

8) Know that you will always have someone that believes in you, even when you do not believe in yourself, me.

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