Thursday, September 22, 2016

Finish but never be finished

I remember completing my first marathon. It was the Cellcom marathon 2011 in Green Bay. When I crossed that finish line it was a great feeling and so painful at the same time, everything hurt. All the hard work, the hours of training and sacrifices had paid off.

Looking back on it now, I wonder what would my life be like if I would have just stopped there? What would my life be like if I limited myself to only doing a marathon and nothing longer? I know I would not be the same person I am today.

It has been the most glorious, difficult and rewarding journey of my life to push past my limits and live with no finish line. The secret is that I am no one special, I am no different than the rest of you. I only accomplished all of this because I decided I wanted to. I have never come close to winning a medal, placing, Kona or Boston and that is okay.

I talk to people who tell me that they will never do anything longer than a marathon and I am confused. I have no idea how 26.2 magnificent miles can be your limit, can be the absolute most you will ever allow yourself to run. This goes beyond running, it comes into every aspect of our life. How many times have you told yourself that you cannot be greater or do more? 

The finish line is just the start line to something even greater. You are unlimited in your potential, it will take work and it will be hard but you are unstoppable. To limit yourself because of your current situation is to limit your future.

Stop waiting for the finish line. You do not become a runner when you complete a marathon, half-marathon, 10K or 5K, you become a runner when you start to run. You become a leader when you start to lead and you become the best version of yourself not when you have accomplished A, B and C but when you accomplish A on your way to B and C.  Take a moment to realize how great you are in this moment. Take a moment to be happy for how far you have come. Take a moment to appreciate the journey and not just the finish line. You will spend your whole life on the journey, learn to appreciate it.

Crossing the finish line, accomplishing a goal or pushing past your limits is an incredible accomplishment. Take time to celebrate it and enjoy it but never be finished. 

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