Thursday, August 25, 2016

To Anyone Who is Struggling

When the weight of your world, feels like it is on your shoulders and there is no light at the end, remember that there is a light.

There are times in our life where we feel like we should just give up. It may be on a project, job or even our life. In those moments it feels like there is no getting out. We do not believe that we can go any further or take anymore. While it feels like a horrible place to be, it is the place with the most opportunity for growth.

When we struggle, we grow. It is painful and it feels like hell but we grow. We learn what we really want in life. It may not be the whole picture but it gets a little clearer.

To anyone that is struggling. I want you to remember.

You are enough. You are so much more than what you are going through. It is hard to believe that in the moment but you are enough. Think of the last life changing event in your life. Remember how you felt when you first started, in the middle and at the end.  We do not always feel happy at the end but we feel stronger, smarter and like we have grown because of it. Not every struggle is going to leave you with a giant smile on your face but believe this, everyone will make you grow.

Take one step forward. It sounds hard and it is. When the world is crumbling around you and you feel like you cannot move, take one step forward. The only way you are going to get out is to keep moving. There is a light at the end, even if you cannot see it.

You are not alone. Everyone that I have met has struggled. The most successful people I know choose intentionally to embrace the struggle. At the lowest points in our struggle it is easy for us to see all of the great things everyone else is doing but that is just the tip of the iceberg. What we cannot see is the struggle that they had to deal with and are still dealing with below the surface.

We grow the most when we embrace the struggle, not when we run away from it.

Your best is yet to come.

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