Friday, May 23, 2014

It is the journey, not the destination

I want to tell you a secret that I just learned about leadership. It is all about the journey and has nothing to do with the destination. In fact you will never reach your destination, if you think that you have you are incorrect. It is when people believe that they have reached their leadership destination when they fail. Great leaders go to their grave knowing that there was more they could learn and they are okay with it. They are okay with it because they constantly gave their best to the world and took every opportunity to learn.

The great news is that since it is about the journey, you can start anytime that you want, you do not have to wait for anything or anyone to tell you that you are a leader, you just have to take steps to be one. The first step you take is when you become a leader.

Leadership is not one giant step, it is a bunch of tiny steps. Steps that many times you may not even notice. Steps that a majority of the time 99% of the world will never know. However if you choose an action that impacts one persons life in a positive manner, you are a leader.

It is my belief that we have leadership all wrong.We make it about changing the world in one action. We compare ourselves to the ones that have gone out and changed the world and we idolize them for their greatest actions. What we forget far too often are the steps that led up to that moment. No one just happened to show up one day in August to hear a man named Martin Luther King give a speech. He dedicated his life to make that happen and it all started and was built upon tiny steps along the way. 

Take one step today to make the world a better place by having a positive impact on one person's life. This is what leadership is all about.

I cannot leave this post without telling you about an amazing organization that I have been lucky enough to be a part of. This organization is called RYLA. It is a leadership retreat that is led by youth. If you want to see leadership at its best you need to look no further than this group and the ones that came before them. They are driven to go out and change lives in everything they do. I would love for you to attend and have your life changed by their awesome presence. To find out more follow this link:

Here is my source of inspiration:

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