Sunday, June 8, 2014

Run with it

Running has changed my life, in more ways than one. It goes beyond the physical and is far more about the mental, emotional and spiritual. It has helped me become who I am today. Here are just a few of the lessons I have learned from running.

  1. One step at a time: As much of a broken record it may be, it is the truth. Take life just one step at a time. No matter what run I have been in all it took was one step at a time. Those steps turned into feet, feet into yards, yards into miles and those miles became the finish.

    Have a place you want to go, a dream you want to reach, or a race you want to run, but never forget all it takes is one step at a time.
  2. You are far stronger than you could ever imagine:  I will be the first to admit that running is not always pleasant, fun or enjoyable. There are days on my training runs, where I hate it, I cannot stand it and want to stop, but I continue on. The simple reason, is I know that I can. I remember one run where I fell numerous times, I slipped and could not keep up with my group. It was painful run. Yet I kept going. It is an amazing when you run your longest run ever or break a PR. It is amazing because you get to find out just how strong you are. It proves to you that there is more that you can do.

    You are far stronger than you believe and far stronger than everyone tells you that you are. You are strong enough to accomplish anything you put your mind to. You need to believe it to achieve it.
  3. Stop caring what other people think: I get asked all the time, "Why would you ever want to run a marathon" or "You are crazy for running a marathon" If you are a runner, no matter what distance you run, I am sure you have heard something along those lines.

    Just imagine if I were to listen to those people. I cannot even imagine how different my life would be. In life, you are always going to have people around you telling you that what you are doing is crazy and should not be done. Forget them and do not listen to them. Follow your heart and do what you want.
  4. If you want to change the world, do one thing: One of my favorite things about running a race, besides the massive amount of food I get to eat are the people (especially in moments of hanger.) I love the people out on the course cheering everyone on. The greatest part, they did nothing more than come out, stand and cheer us on. Some made signs, some brought cow bells others whistle however it was those small acts that got me through some of the toughest parts of my runs.

    Stop trying to change the world and change one persons life with one simple act. Give them the gift of yourself and make there day better in some small way that will change their life. Far too often, myself included, I saw changing the world as something that seemed unreachable. Stop looking at the whole world and focus on one small part of it. Go out and give the people in your life the gift of yourself.
  5. Surround yourself with people that inspire you: The fact of the matter is, you do not have time for anyone else except for the people that inspire you. You deserve to have the most inspiring and amazing people in your life. Running has taught me this. I am lucky enough to call some of the most inspiring people out there in the world my friends. It is not just the runners, it includes the fans cheering you along the way, supporting you and making you feel amazing. It includes the people that get up far before I do for a race, set up the course and assist those runners in need.

    It has been said that you become the people that you spend the most time with. Ask yourself, do you want to be inspiring or uninspired?
  6. Its all about relationships Last but not least, it is all about the relationships. When you die, no one will remember how many runs you completed, your best PR or how many miles you logged. What they will remember however is the relationship you had with them. (P.S. This does not only go for running) No one will remember how much money you made, positions held or how big your house was. They will remember the relationship they had with you, good or bad.

    Running is not a solo sport, it is one of the biggest team sports in the world. While there may be only one first place, we all end up being winners. We help and encourage one another. Life is all about relationships. Running has brought some of the most amazing and incredible people into my life. It has changed my life and has been and continues to be one of the biggest blessings in my life.
Go run

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