Thursday, February 4, 2016

7 Tips to Finding your Purpose

Following last week’s post I felt that there was something missing, that even though your purpose should be simple it needs to be explained.

1. Your purpose is not your job. Your job is an avenue to get to your purpose.  Although it may seem to be the same, understanding the difference is critical. Your job does not determine your purpose but it can help you get there.  Stop trying to find a job that fits your purpose exactly and bring your purpose to your job.

2. Your purpose can change. Too often we get caught up in the belief that we need to find a perfect silver bullet for our lives that consumes us and that we just know it is the right thing. This is what makes finding purpose so hard for so many people. We put it out there as the Holy Grail spend our whole lives trying to find it, dying of thirst when all we need to do is try and create something, and change it when the time comes.

3. Your purpose is simple. My purpose is to help people understand how amazing they are and that they have limitless potential. Just thinking about it, gets me so excited. Do not over think it, it is going to be simple, clear and concise. Listen to your gut or to your heart.

4. Your purpose is beyond you: If you truly want to come alive with your purpose, it needs to be bigger than you and impact and serve more people than you. Your purpose is not to make money, be popular or be a boss. Those all end with you.

5. Your purpose should excited you to do work. People that live on purpose and that have a purpose have to do work. I know, some of my closest friends excel at leading and living their life on purpose. They are not just eating bon-bons and Cheetos all day. It is hard work but that should excite you. It is long hours, days and nights. It is never ending because there are so many opportunities.

6. You are ready for your purpose. You are ready now, like right now. This very instant you are ready. No amount of training can make up for the ability to go and try.

7. You can never be too good: You always have an opportunity to learn and to become better. It may seem this contradicts six but it supports it. While you will always be ready, you can always be better and you should want to always get better. When an opportunity to be more educated about your purpose comes up, take it. It does not mean you are not smart enough, it means you want to get better.

What else would you add?

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