Wednesday, July 28, 2010

SUCCESS: How much does it cost?

There are so many people that are willing to tell you the key to success. Many want you to pay to learn how to successful and what it means to be successful. I find this trend rather sad. Since when do we need someone to tell us how to be successful or what it means? The last time I checked success was something we decided upon. It was a goal we set and a path we took a path to freedom, happiness and learning.

There is one main point that everyone needs to be successful. It is passion. Passion drives you. It drives you to learn more, do more and be more. Creating success.

Over the past three months I have not been chasing my passion. Thankfully that was ended for me. Which is truly a blessing for me, it has set me free.

It is easy to get caught up in the day to day and get lost in finding what your true passion is. Here are a few hints from me on what it looks like

1) You seek the approvals of others instead of yourself
2) You feel like you can’t do anything right
3) You feel like you are letting the team down
4) You know deep down this is not what you should be doing
5) You have no idea how you impact the business

How can you apply this to business? Simple, define what your passion is. Not what it will be but what it is. What is it that you do better than anyone else and is it something you love to do? Then the hardest part, you need to go out and do it. Find the right people that will invest in your future. Find the customers who want to buy from you and speak their language. Create a culture where your passion will stay alive. This to me is the key to success. You have to have passion

“Go forth and set the world on fire”

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