Monday, October 19, 2015

Be ruthless with your life

Your time is limited, so stop wasting it on things that do not matter, with people that do not matter or. Sometimes we care too much other times we just get sucked in because we want to be part of the group, not because we really like the people but because we do not want to be left out.
We need to start to be ruthless in everything that we do. This does not mean that you have to be rude, it means knowing what is worth your time and what is not, more importantly who is worth your time and who is not.

We all want to belong to and feel part of the group but what is easy to forget is that just because we are a part of a group does not mean that we are meant to be there. We try and make ourselves fit in to people we do not like that have ideas that go against what we believe just to fit in but we never really fit in, we always feel like we are out.

I believe almost everyone wants to do good in the world and wants to help others and that is a blessing and a curse. At times it helps us do amazing things but then it can make us believe that investing our valuable time into people that are not worth it is worth it. When I say this by no means and am I saying that people are useless but I am saying that some people do not deserve your time.
How often have you spent hours being frustrated with someone that did you wrong, pisses you off or tells you that you cannot do something? You are wasting your time on people that do not matter instead of investing it with people that do matter. We think about proving them wrong and making them hurt, getting even and making every move to spite them, when we do this, we are not winning, we are losing.

I have a problem of talking about things I have no control over and that I cannot change, every minute that I do this is a minute taken away from something else that I can control, that I can improve something where I can see the impact I have created.

We need to be ruthless with our time and how we spend it and who we spend it on. Life is too short for us to just give our time away, our mind away and our energy away. We need to consciously focus our efforts on the things that matter and the people that matter. It is the only way that we can truly get anything done. If we keep wasting our time on people and things that do not matter it takes away from the things that do. It not only takes away our time but it takes away our energy, how many times have you thought to yourself “I just do not have the energy” I believe that this happens because we focus too much on the things that do not matter and it drains us.

I am not implying that we do not do what it is hard. I believe doing what is hard, different or causes us pain is a great thing, if we do it for the right reasons. We need to focus your energy on what matters and on who matters. If we do this, we can grow so much more and take on so much more that matters

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