Monday, January 19, 2015


You are enough, plain and simple. You are enough to accomplish anything that you want to. You are enough to make your biggest dreams come true. Who you are and what you bring to the table is enough. The gifts, talents and love that you give is enough so stop believing everyone that tells you different. Your life is enough.

We need you; we don’t need another whoever we need you. We need your talents, we need your passion and we need your skills. You are enough.

God does not make mistakes so stop thinking that your life was a mistake because it was not. Everything that you have been through, all the mistakes you have made, the times you have fallen, the success and the best times of your life have put you exactly where you need to be. Stop worrying and start believing that you are enough because you are.

Now you are enough and so is everyone else around you, they are enough as well. What an amazing gift we could give to someone if we told them that they were enough, that they did not need to marginalize themselves any longer. It is a simple, yet powerful gift.

If you want to change the world here is your chance, I want you to find someone that is struggling and let them know that they are enough. They do not need to fight anymore with what society tells them and that who; they are right now is and always has been enough.

I have been lucky enough to be on the receiving end of this and it changed my life. It is a powerful message that will change lives.

Monday, January 12, 2015

What are you waiting for?

Many times it is said that if there is a God, how can he let so much evil happen in the world?

What is forgotten is that God has done something in fact he has done, he has done about 7.2 billion things to help stop the evil in the world. God created everyone on this earth and we are the people that can stop the evil, stop the hate and make the world a better place.

There are going to be some people in this world that will tell you, the issue or idea you want to solve or implement can never happen, stop listening to them. It is going to take hard work and you may never see it in your lifetime but you can never be sure of what it may create for the future. The argument that it has never happened, so it can never happen is false, if this argument were true we would have no cars, internet or airplanes. There would still be rampant segregation, women could not vote and we would believe that the world is still flat. The fact of the matter is that the people who tell you it can never happen, do not want it to happen because it would be a change. A change in the way the world works and how it is perceived. Change is scary and sometimes sticking with what sucks even though the other option is so much better, is what happens because the fear that people have in their life is too strong and they let it control their life. Fear should never rule your life.

People need to stop complaining about how all the problems of the world are not there fault. If you stand by and complain about anything you are part of the problem, I do not care who you are, you are part of the problem. Once again we go back to the fear of change and being able to make a move. The ability to actually do something and be vulnerable keeps us at bay but it should not. We are far too strong to let it control our life.

The belief that one person cannot change the world or make a difference is false and needs to be put to rest. Every great movement in history was started by one person. Did Martin Luther King change the world by himself? No. Did Abraham Lincoln make the world a better place by himself? No. Did Maya Angelou, Mother Theresa or Ghandi change the world by themselves? No. Now you may be asking yourself, I thought you said one person could change the world and no you are going against it. My point in all of this is that while these people did not change the world by thiersleves, they choose to be the first one to make a difference and believe it could happen. What if none of these people decided to believe that they could change the world, where would we be today? The point is that you need to believe that you can change the world and then get people to rally behind you to make the change.

We get stuck when we compare ourselves to everyone on that list. I know I have thought I could never be them and I am not supposed to. While it is great to have idols and people you look up to, do not try to be exactly like them. The world does not need another “whoever” what the world needs is you. The world needs your gifts, your talents, your purpose and your passion. So start giving us your gifts because we need it.