Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Live Extraordinary

I have fought the daily battle of trying to be ordinary or being extraordinary. From now on, I will choose to be extraordinary. I do not want to blend in, I want to stand out. My dreams involve changing the world, it is impossible to this if I choose to blend in.

Let me first make a few things very clear on what not blending in does not look like. Choosing to not blend in, does not mean you have to be at the front of the attention every minute. Not every decision that I make will go against the grain, be a world changing vision or be the best decision I should have made. Making the choice to be different does not mean you have to be obnoxious. It goes beyond your actions and the day to day life, it is a choice to create a mindset where you focus on not just breathing but living.

So why live the extraordinary life? Well lets just be honest, it sounds a hell of a lot more fun than just blending in. I promise I do have some “actual” reasons to stand out. The first being, it prevents you, your organization or community to settle for mediocrity. Secondly I do not believe that when you choose to blend in, you can make a difference, because you are not different. Choosing to blend in, you are directed where to go, instead of choosing where to go. Lastly blending in does exactly that, you blend in and no one can tell you apart. Redundant yes, don’t worry I have formed a committee to look into this and made sure that committee has a committee.

Choosing to blend in fuels mediocrity, it begs you to stick with status quo, not to go the extra mile and worse yet, not have an idea that will change the world. Choosing to stand out, breaks you free of status quo, gives you the freedom to change the world and the lead the life you love. There is no greater or scarier feeling than realizing the choices you make, will create you future. I beg you to not blend in, go out and choose to be extraordinary. Create a dream and go out and live it, do not let anyone demand that you are different.

You are far to0 awesome and amazing to choose a life where you blend in. It is my belief that God does not have time to just put anyone on this earth; we are all here for a reason. An idea that may seem dumb to you could very well change the world. Do not be offended or angry at those who try to stop you, many of them mean well. They are also scared to live outside of their comfort zone and try to change the world; they are letting their lives be driven by fear, not freedom. Do not be mad at them; help them realize the awesome potential they have if they choose to be different.

Go forth and set the world on fire
St. Ignatious Loyola

PS: Don’t think this relates to marketing, I can prove you wrong. As consumers rarely do we look for something ordinary, we want something extraordinary, it is just within a different body. We want a product or service that speaks to us in an extraordinary way. We choose based on what our heart and mind tells us will help us. This message is not canned or a fill-in the blank, it is unique. The fact of the matter is, you cannot talk to everyone effectively, you can try but it will not work. You need to develop extraordinary marketing plan, that identifies your customer, gives them a voice and helps you deliver a solution to their problem.

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